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Now I have sound that puts a smile on my face every time - EX-B7 Monoblock Amplifiers


Here is a picture of my setup which is:

ultraRendu to Sigxer SU-6 DDC (converts USB to I2S and eliminates all jitter, very good and money well spent) to Holo Audio May KTE DAC to Holo Audio Serene KTE preamp to Kinki Studio EX-B7 class A/B monoblocks to Silverline SR 17 Supreme speakers.

I have been striving for a system with great sound for over 3 decades and finally got there . The appearance of high-end affordable hi-fi from China has been a huge part of that successful outcome. YouTube Channels like Thomas and Stereo and Jay’s iyagi have introduced us to gear that allows us to achieve outstanding results for modest expense. 

When to comes to amplifiers I wanted something powerful yet transparent so I tried the Kinki Studio EX-M1. That was a great product and I had a lot of fun swapping out the op amps (favorite was the Muses JFETs and the Staccato discrete used together). That made me a Kinki Studio believer, so when I wanted mono blocks I got their EX-B7 product because they have the power to drive anything. The amps simply get out of the way and allow me to experience the music.

They sounded great with Chord TT2 and Scaler plus Dynaudio Special 40s. Then I upgraded the Special 40 crossover with the GR Research kit and ditched the Chord gear for the DOGE DAC7 because the tubes gave a musical sound. Finally, I got the Holo May KTE DAC and Serene preamp and upgraded speakers to the Silverline SR17 Supreme. Now I have sound that puts a smile on my face every time.

Lastly I should mention Kinki’s amazing customer service. They have always responded instantly and when I dropped a metal RCA plus across the speaker terminals by mistake the EX-B7 cut out and said fault. I though it was fried and wrote to Kinki for advice. It was Saturday and I was expecting to have to wait but within an hour they sent me a picture showing how to diagnose and fix the problem. Incredible! I mention this because customer service says a lot about a company and I hear so many people questioning whether they can trust a “foreign” brand to give support. Well, Kinki’s support was faster than any I have ever received from a US-based brand. A big bravo!



Credit: Chris.

1 Comment

Apr 02, 2024

You have some great gear in your system! No one can say they don't have room in their house for a full seperates system after seeing yours hehe. Mine is similarly compact



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